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(DTLA-5) Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities - 5th Edition
| (CASDN) Cognitive Assessment System Das-Nagliery
| (CTONI-2) Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence 2nd Ed
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(DTLA-4) Detroit Test of Learning
| (SIT-R3) Slosson Intelligence Test Revised - 3rd Edition | (DIAL-3) Developmental Indicators for for the Assessment of Learning
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(DAP-IQ) Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test/CHild/ Adolescent/ Adult
| (WPS-18) Educational Applications of the WISC-IV
| (KABC-II) Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
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(GATES2) Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales 2nd Edition
| (TOGRA) Test of General Reasoning Ability
| (KBIT-2) Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
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(L3) LEITER International Performance Scale 3rd ed | (PTI2) Pictorial Test of Intelligence 2nd Ed.
| (PTONI) Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
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(RIAS2) Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale 2nd Ed
| (GAB) Schubert General Ability Battery
| (SAGES 2) Screening Asmnt for Gifted Elementary & Middle School Students
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(S-FRIT) Slosson Full-Range Intelligence Test
| (SIT-P) Slosson Intelligence Test Primary
| (SIT-R4) Slosson Intelligence Test Revised - 4th Edition
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(SIT) Slosson Intelligence Test Original
| (SBE5) Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood
| (SB5) Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales 5th Ed
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(SOI-LA) Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test
| (TIPS) Test of Information Processing Skills
| (TOMAL2) Test of Memory Learning 2nd Ed.
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(UNIT2) Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test 2nd Ed
| (WRAML2) Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning-2
| (WRIT) Wide Range of Intelligence Test
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(CEFI) Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory
| (JW-17) Woodcock -Johnson III Reports Recommendations & Strategies Book.
| (CASD) Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder
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(MEMRY) Multidemsional Everyday Memory Ratings for Youth
| (TONI-4) Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
| (EFTE-E) Executive Functions Test - Elementary
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(ChAMP) Child and Adolescent Memory Profile
| (BRIEF-2) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - 2nd Edition
| (RAIT-NV) Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test Nonverbal
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(SHIPLEY-2) A Brief Measure of Crystallized Knowledge & Fluid Reasoning
| (ATFR) Arlin Test of Formal Reasoning
| (DTLA-P-3) Detroit Test of Learning/primary
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