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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : D

(DST-1S) Order the Complete Set, or each topic as listed below.Diagnostic Screening Tests for: Spelling(DSTS); Achievement(DSTA); Language(DSTL), Math(DSTM); Reading(DSTR); Complete Set(DST-1S).

(DSTA) Diagnostic Screening Test Achievement. Student Motivation, Deprivation, reading and study skill problems, practical vs. formal knowledge
Total Achievement Science ,Social Studies, Lit/Arts, Student Motivation, etc.,

(DSTS) Slosson Diagnostic Screening Test. Spelling. Sight or Phonics Orientation for Spelling instruction, relative efficiency of verbal and written testing, sequential and gross memory, gross auditory memory . Writing the words as opposed to spell

(DSTM) Diagnostic Screening Test Math.. Money Grades 2-5; Time grades 1-8; Percent grades 4 to 9; Us Measurement grades 4 to 9; Metric grades 4-10. Pinpoints deficts in 72 individual math processes
Adition1-5, Subtr 1-6, Multiplic 3-8, Division 3-9

(DSTL) Diagnostic Screening Test- Language. Score for Skill Mastery in grammar,Punctuation, Capitalization,Sentence Structure, Spelling rules
Valid Method Estimating over all achivement level in written Language & more

(DSTR) Diagnostic Screening Test Reading
Word Comfort Level, Instructional Level, Frustration Level, Comprehension Level

(DTLA5) Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities 5th Ed
Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities 5th Edition NEW

(DAB4) Diagnostic Achievement Battery 4th Ed.

(DAB-I) Diagnostic Achievement Battery -INERMEDIATE-

(DAYC-2) Developmental Assessment of Young Children 2nd Ed. With possible delays in cognition, communication, social-emotional dev, physical development and adaptive behavior

(DBRS) Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale. Identifies: Attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity, oppositional disorder/hyper activity, antisocial conduct problems, may intercede from pull-out dilemmas using DBRS.
Manual, Forms

(DT/CEP-1) Differential Test of Conduct and Emotional Problems Intervention.
Manual, Scoring Forms & Templates,

(CAD) Clinical Assessment of Depression

(DAB-3) Diagnostic Achievement Battery.

(D-2) DIAMONDS in the ROUGH.

(DAR-2) Diagnostic Assessments of Reading-2nd. Ed.

(DASH-3) Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities Third Edition

(DAYS) Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale. Three Normed-referenced scales: major depressive or overanxious disorder; 3scales: Teacher, Parent; or Alternates rating Scale. Standardized. For emotionally disturbed, and learning disabled, or diagnosed as
Norms devloped for:Special Ed Students Children & Adolescents classified as emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, and clinically Depressed.

(WPS-3) Decoding Skills Test Kit

(DESD) Decoding-Encoding Screener for Dyslexia Kit.

(DIAL-3) Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning
Motor,Language, Concepts Area, Self Help, Social Dvel

(DP-3) Developmental Profile 3rd Ed.
Manual, S/P Form & Computer Report

(DTKR-II-1) Developmental Task for Kindergarten RDNS-II Kit
Test Manual & Booklets & Materials Book

(GP-18) Helping Students Overcome Depression and Anxiety

(PE-49) Practical Ideas really work for students with Dyslexia
23 Items meas Vocab,Wrd Recog,Comprh, 38 Instr stratg, illstr, 85 Repr frmss

(RDSI) Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory.

(WPS) DST- Decoding Skills Test
Manual, Presentation Book & Scoring Bklts.

(DTK-1A) Deluxe Therapy Kit

(CDI 2) Children's Depression Inventory 2nd Ed. 7-17yrs
Manual,25 self Report QuickScore Forms
25 Self Report QuickScore Forms, 25 Parent Resonse Forms, 25 Teacher Quick Response Forms

(D-2) Diamonds in the Rough (An invaluable Reference to Learning Disabilities)

(DAI) Dynamic Assessment and Intervention

(DSPT-R Decoding & Spelling Proficiency Test Revised

(DSSMED) Differential Scales of Social Maladjustment and Emotional Disturbance

(VMI-6) BEERY- Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 6th Ed.

(DST-1S) Slosson DST Screening Series: Diagnostic Screening Tests for: Spelling(DSTS); Achievement(DSTA); Language(DSTL), Math(DSTM); Reading(DSTR); Complete Set(DST-1S). Please Select below.
The series include: DSTM; DSTR; DSTS; DSTA; DSTL;

12" x 18" luster finish

With your order you will receive 10 free 4 x 6" post card prints! Contact us at 1-888-756-7766 if you would like additional post card prints free.

Diatoms for order in 12 x 18" prints

(GP-8)Defiant Children
Price: $39.00
Defiant Children

(YORK-1) Dyslexia; Theory & Practice
Price: $64.00

(DAP:IQ-1)Draw a Person Intellectual/Ability Test 4yrs-89.11yrs.
Price: $149.00

(S-1) Help for the Learning Disabled Child
Price: $58.50
Help for the Learning Disabled Child

(CWCP-2) Don't Be Difficult Game, The
Price: $54.95

(FLS-6) A Day in the Life
Price: $49.95

(DTLA-5-1) Detroit Test of Learning Abilities 5th Ed Kit
Price: $704.00

(DTVP-2-5) 25 Response Booklet
Price: $79.00

(DTVP-A:2-1) DTVP-A:2 Developmental Test of Visual Perception–Adolescent and Adult: Second Edition
Price: $393.00

(DTVP-3-1) Developmental Test of Visual Perception 3rd Ed. Kit
Price: $321.00

(DSTP-1) Differential Screening Test Kit
Price: $113.00

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