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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : M

(CMAT) Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test
Test administration 30min to 2hrs.+,-,x,/, Charts,Tables, Graphics, Problem Solving, Algebra, Geometry,Time, Money, Measurement

(MAVA) Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition
MAVA evaluates a child’s knowledge of basic (tier one), high frequency (tier two), and curriculum-based (tier three) words. This assessment includes, up-to-date word choices, full-color illustrations, and everything else you need to evaluate the listening and speaking vocabulary of children ages 3;0–12;11.

(MOST) Marshalla Oral Sensorimotor Test
The Marshalla Oral Sensorimotor Test (MOST) is a comprehensive and quick assessment designed to put a numerical value on oral movement, oral-tactile sensitivity, facial and oral tone, as well as basic respiration, phonation, and resonation skills. The MOST is the first exam to allow speech-language pathologists an opportunity to place a numerical value on the oral exam.

(MAPA-2) Multiple Auditory Processing Assessment - 2nd Edition
The MAPA-2 is a comprehensive assessment of auditory processing and listening skills. It may be used as a screener to be followed by other behavirol or physiological tests or it may be used for a preliminary diagnosis in the auditory area.

(MEMRY) Multidimensional Everyday Memory Ratings for Youth
The MEMRY is the first nationally standardized rating scale specifically designed to measure memory in children, adolescents, and young adults. It measures daily memory, learning, and executive aspects of memory, including working memory.

(MVPT4) Motor Free Visual Perception Test 4th Ed NEW

(ELP) Singapore Math .Cards and more selections

(MASC-2) The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition

(MBB-8) Critical Thinking and Mindbenders Books and Software from Kindergarten to Adults. Activities that will do great things for students and adults, deductive reasoning, organizations, information processing skills and more

(MBSP) Monitoring Basic Skills Progress Basic Skills Progress, Basic Math 2nd Ed

(MC) McCall-Crabbs, Standard Test Lessons in Reading. Appropriate to use above or below the indicated range. Monitors progress over time. Test Skills, Power Work, Excellent in adult education, and special ed.
Manual/Answer Key, Answer Sheets & Books

(MISA) McGhee-Mangrum Inventory of School Adjustment

(MPS-R) Merrill Palmer Revised Scales of Development

(MT-1) Match This! For populations including those with autism, mental retardation, cognitive/language disorders and hearing loss. Targeted Skills:Syntax Grammar,Semantic, Vocabulary,Matching,Classifying, Reasoning, Memory,Sign Language.

(PCI-5) Basic Picture Math

(PCI-LS-4) Money and Time Game

(PE-131) Solving Math Word Problems. Grades 1-8

(PE-132) Understanding Math Story Problems 2ND ED

(PE-133) Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning Disabilities

(REM-1096A) Practical Practice Math Folders

(MFaCTS) Mathematics Fluency and Calculation Tests

(MISA) MCGHEE-Mangrum Inventory of School Adjustment Kit

(MAB-II) Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II

(MVP) Memory Validity Profile
The MVP is a performance validity test (PVT) for children, adolescents, and young adults that covers visual and verbal domains in just 5-7 minutes.

(EI-8490-9N) Math Shark. 1 year to Adult.
Price: $42.99

Builds Math Skills Fast

(EI-8899) Math Whiz
Price: $29.99

(FLS-4) Meeting of the minds
Price: $49.95

(MMSE-2-1) Mini-Mental State Examination 2nd Edition - Standard Kit
Price: $252.00

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