The Bees and the Bears. A Language Training Program for Very Low Functioning Language Students Joan S. Kissel Age: 4-Adult  The Bees and the Bears, a critical elements curriculum, trains the linguistic rules for critical elements in the construction of noun phrases, prepositional phrases, simple sentences, compund noun phrases, and complex sentences.
While no beginning vocabulary nor reading level is required, the critical elements training vocabulary consists of four key nouns (bee, bear, bell, bow), four colors (yellow, orange, purple, brown), two sizes ( big, little) two places of location (chair, table) two location ( on, under), and a number of articles and determiners (a, one, two, some, etc.)
In addition to training the use of critical elements in various language structures, the vocabulary is used to train language concepts dealing with orientation/rank order/location in space, quantity/plurality/math language, negation/stating what is not there, expletives/another way of saying it.
Maybe used with ESOL students, cochlear implant clients, the hearing-impaired population including the profoundly hearing impaired, and any client with delayed or disordered language.