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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : G / (GOB-1) Get On Board
(GOB-1) Get On Board Complete

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Price: $77.50
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Get On Board

Target Sounds: S, R, L, Blends, SH, CH, and J

by R. O. Zee

Grade: 2 on up. Unlimited number of players

Now your students can GET ON BOARD with their good speech sounds. This colorful new adventure game is for students who have corrected production of their target sound(s) and now need some practice using the sound(s) in varying positions in sentences. By using a fun trivia question format, students will “forget” they are practicing, which gives the SLP the opportunity to see how well the sound is becoming incorporated into natural conversational speech.

There are three challenging ways to play Get on Board. Each target sound, S, R, L, and SH/CH/J has 600 trivia questions and three playing levels. These levels can correspond with grade, ability, or student choice for difficulty. Students will begin at their “sound ship” and make their way around the board by answering trivia questions that target their sound in the question, the answer, or both. Land on a “worm hole” or take a “space walk” to gain spaces, but beware of the “black hole” and watch your “out of fuel” gauge! When a student has completed his/her way around the board and enters the ship, he/she wins the game. With a total of 2400 trivia questions and several ways to play, your students will never tire of playing this exciting game. Kit includes: playing board, eight pawns, a die, and four game booklets with directions.

GOB-1 Get On Board Complete

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