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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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(KSPTK-1) Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit - BASIC-Level,

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Price: $189.00
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(KSPTK-1) A Proven Method for Improving Speech Intelligibility (BASIC Level)

A best seller for over a decade! The KSPTK
Kit 1 (Basic Level) utilizes a systematic treatment program of simplifying word pronunciation patterns based on the least physiological effort for target words. This highly effective approach allows children with apraxia of speech to become effective vocal/verbal communicators. Kit 1 contains 201 visual referent cards targeting the syllable shapes that children with apraxia of speech need to master to become effective vocal/verbal communicators. The accompanying 52-page manual explains the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) methods and how to get children started on the road to combining consonants and vowels to form words.

Kit 1 ) Highlights:
•Utilizes the sounds /p, b, m, t, d, n, h/ to train children to combine consonants and vowels to form words.
•Includes the syllable shapes children need to master to become effective vocal/verbal communicators.
•Contains unique pivot syllables such as "ny" or "dle/do" which are not included in other apraxia treatment materials.
•Durable, brightly illustrated, cards.
•201 engaging pictures (5"x7") with color illustration on front and phonemic approximations (word shells) on the reverse side to quickly establish functional vocabulary.
•A fun and durable carrying case with card files color coded and designed for easy pulling and replacing.
•Simple, lax vowels (V).
•Vowel-to-vowel movement (diphthongs) VV.
•Simple consonant production (C).
Repetitive syllables (CVCV).
•Consonant-to-vowel movement (CV).
•Vowel-to-consonant movement (VCV).
•Repetitive syllables with vowel change (CV1CV2).
•Simple monosyllables with assimilation (CVC).
•Simple consonant synthesis (C/CVC/CVC).
•Simple bisyllabics with consonant and vowel change (C1V1C2V2).

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