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Main Category : M / (ELP) Singapore Math .Cards and more selections
(ELP-1) Singapore Math Number Cards
Price: $12.95
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(ELP-1) Singapore Math Number Cards
Singapore math use the model method to
visualize and draw a model. This approach
aids in comprehension, organization and
visualization skills needed to break down and
solve simple to complex word problems.
Moreover, this method fosters algebraic
thinking so students are more prepared to
learn Algebra.

Ranking on an international assessment of student math achievement called the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). In the latest TIMSS report in 2007, Singapore was ranked in the top three in fourth- and eighth-grade math scores, while the United States ranked ninth and eleventh, respectively.
Supporters of Singapore math credit the Singaporean methods of instruction and curriculum for its students’ success. While American math instruction often relies on drilling and memorization of many skills each year, Singapore math focuses on children not just learning but also truly mastering a limited number of concepts each school year. The goal is for children to perform well because they understand the material on a deeper level; they are not just learning it for the test.

Mathematics developed its own program based on the Singapore Primary Maths curriculum. It follows Singapore’s spiraling approach to learning maths with certain topics revisited in greater depth each time. Mathemagis also applies the concrete to pictorial to abstract method of math instruction and the bar-model approach to solving word problems.

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