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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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(ELT-2NU-1) Expressive Language Test - Second Edition: Normative Update (Complete Kit)
Price: $236.00
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The ELT-2:NU measures spoken language expression and flexibility. This assessment is unique in that the language skills tested are those commonly identified by researchers, teachers, and clinicians as the most predictive of classroom learning difficulty.

The test has four subtests (Sequencing, Metalinguistics, Morphology/Syntax, and Defining Categories). Its results can help identify those children with true expressive language disorders and reduce the chance of over-identification.

ELT-2NU Components
(ELT-2NU-1) Expressive Language Test - Second Edition: Normative Update (Complete Kit)
Price: $236.00
(ELT-2NU-2) Examiner's Manual
Price: $89.00
(ELT-2NU-3) Examiner Record Booklet (25)
Price: $51.00
(ELT-2NU-4) Stimuli Book
Price: $57.00
(ELT-2NU-5) Picture Sequence Cards (16)
Price: $40.00

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