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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (SSLP) Say & Sign Language Program. NEW. Basic Sign Language, and Finger Spelling. A Super Means of Learning an Extra Language of the SILENT World. For the rest of a child's life an intellectual tool an accomplishment, to communicate and Interpret.4yrs
(SSLP-1) Say & Sign Language Program Complete

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Price: $71.25
Qty :
Say & Sign Language Program (SSLP)
Roger Hoffman

Age: 4+

Say & Sign Game and Sign Language Kit is a program that addresses articulation skills, speech production, basic sign language skills, and finger spelling, a gateway to the silent world through signed English.

Say & Sign Game and Sign Language Kit is a program that addresses articulation skills, speech production, basic sign language skills, and finger spelling. This program gives hearing students a gentle introduction to the silent world through The Chimpanzee Who Couldn’t Grunt or Yell, a book illustrated in signed English. The book is designed to be read to both large and small groups who may then practice the finger/word signs on each page.
The next step in the program includes the Signo Coloring/Activities Workbook with reproducible pages. The teacher simply hands out several pages a day to all participants wishing to learn signing and play the game. As the students color the pages, they subliminally partake of Signo, the delightful chimpanzee character, performing hand signing activities, that continue to familiarize students with signed words.
The final step of the program is to play the Signo Say & Sign Letters Game. As each student advances around the game board and lands on finger/word signing commands, he/she can perform the task, or ask opponents to pick-up dare cards. Dare cards are stacked in the middle of the board and picture Signo, signing the board commands. Teachers create a reproducible hand-punch pass around signing ringed flip-book which also shows students how to sign each command on the game board. These are the same signing/commands your students have been pre-exposed to with Signo Coloring/Activities Workbook hand-outs. Now, students use their developing sign language and finger spelling skills in an interactive format that encourages interaction between hearing and hard-of-hearing students in a motivating and exciting game.
Finally, SIGNO, the chimpanzee first introduced in the book, comes to life as a lovable puppet. He has movable articulators which allow him to demonstrate approximate tongue positions for sound production and swallowing, making him useful for both hearing and hard-of-hearing students.

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