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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (SLICK) Strategies for learning in the Class room for Kids.
(SLICK-1) Strategies for Learning In the Class room for Kids. Kit inc: Manual; 3 CD's; 6 Interactive Books; Manipulatives; 6 Game Boards, Games Pieces; 50 Color Cards.

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Price: $148.75
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Jump Start Your Toddlers/ Early Reading Ability!
Strategies for Learning in the Classroom for Kids (SLICK)
Preprimer Interactive Reading Series
Jane Burgio / Samara Heiman / Denise Miller

▶ Ages: 2 through 10 years
▶ Develop Early Readers
▶ Adaptations for Low Functioning Readers
▶ Target Specific Learning Strategies
Designed for administration by parents, home-schoolers, and teachers alike, the SLICK program can assist an early toddler in developing their ability to read while having fun in the process. The SLICK uses a unique collection of colorful stories and games to keep your early reader focused and entertained as they retrieve valuable knowledge from books.
Each book in the SLICK program targets a specific learning strategy. Although each book utilizes specifc strategies, the books are also very versatile. Several strategies can be pulled from each book as you continue to develop your early toddler’s ability to read, offering you more ways to reinforce a new skill.
Six Interactive Books of the SLICK Program:
1. Making a Snowman:
targets Personalization strategies
2. Counting Seeds: 
targets Selective Attention strategies
3. A Birthday!: 
targets Making Inferences strategies
4. There’s a Movie in My Head: 
targets Visualization/Imagery strategies
5. A Little Birdie Told Me: 
targets Rehearsal/Talk Yourself Through It strategies
6. Help! I Lost My Words: 
targets Substitute/Paraphrase/Description strategies
The SLICK uses 4 performance levels to describe a sequence of steps towards acquiring expertise. The 4 performance levels are: Level 1- Beginner, Level 2- Advanced Beginner, Level 3- Competent, and Level 4- Expert. By assigning a starting performance level, interventionists are able to more accurately and completely describe their students’ present functioning abilities, and recognize their advancements.
SLICK Reinforcement Audio Program
1. Using Pictures In Your Head:
designed to help children learn how to translate what they see into useful things “inside their heads” to gain skill generally in visual-verbal association.

2. Information Please:
designed to develop listening comprehension by teaching the efficient who, what, where, when and how strategy.

3. Relaxing for Productive Classroom Learning:
designed to teach children how to use specially designed relaxing skills to become more productive.

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