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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (EARLY-SB5) Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales for EARLY Childhood. 2yrs to 7.3yrs * Warning: CHOKING HAZARD -Small Parts. Not for Children Under 3 yrs.*
(SBE5-1) Early SB5 Complete Kit. Includes:SBE5-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. /2yrs to 7.3 yrs/
Price: $505.00
Qty :
Valid and reliable assessment of intellectual functioning is an important need in many assessment practices, and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood, Fifth Edition (Early SB5) provides a psychometrically superior, accessible, and cost-effective test of intelligence for use with young children. The Early SB5 is a specialized version of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5) for use with young children ages 2.0 through 7.3 years.

Administration time varies. The estimated time is 30-50 minutes for the full battery and 15-20 minutes for the abbreviated battery.

The Early SB5, like the SB5, has 10 subtests. Two routing subtests (Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning and Verbal Knowledge) cover the age range 2.0 through 7.3, while the remaining eight subtests offer scores in the preschool range, from 2.0 through 5.11. As with the SB5, testing begins in Item Book 1 with the two routing subtests, which are retained in their entirety. However, all remaining subtests into which the first two subtests route are contained in Item Book 2, with only the most difficult levels of items dropping across those subtests. Dropping these more difficult items will generally have no impact on the scores of the young children typically assessed with the Early SB5. However, because of the changes, assessment for intellectual giftedness would require use of only the two routing subtests or, better yet, the complete SB5.

Technical Qualities

The Early SB5 is a specialized version of the SB5, and thus shares its technical qualities. A normative sample of 1,800 individuals was used in the age range addressed by the Early SB5 (ages 20. through 7). The normative sample closely matches the 2000 U.S. Census (education level based on 1999 data). Bias reviews were conducted on all items for the following variables: gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, region, and socioeconomic status. The Early SB5 was co-normed with the Bender® Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition (beginning at age 4) and thee Test Observation Form (beginning at age 2).

Reliability and Validity

Reliabilities for the Early SB5 are very high for scores across its age range: FSIQ (.97-.98), NVIQ and VIQ (.94.96), factor indexes (.90-.92), and subtests (.81-.92). Concurrent and criterion validity data were obtained using the SB IV, SM L-M, WJIII®, UNIT™, Bender®-Gestalt II, WPPSI-R®, WAIT®-II, and WISC-III®

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